Friday, October 10, 2014

Realities of the Twenty first Century

Here is a brief overview of the realities of the 21st century in America from my perspective.
1.  Unemployment will NEVER be lower than it is today, unless we change how it is calculated.  We will need less and less workers.  How will we cope with this?
2.  Inflation is alive and well and more in line with 3.5 percent per year but we are cooking the numbers to make it look smaller.
3.  The reason everything you buy is now "50 percent off" is because they have doubled the price beforehand, from what used to be the full retail price.
4.  The nation's housing stock is not designed to meet the needs of our aging population so we will need to "scrape off" much of it and build smaller one level houses.
5.  If you think Health Insurance and Healthcare are the same thing you are part of the problem.
6.  If inflation creeps along at the artificially reported 2 percent annual level that means your cost of living goes up 10 percent every five years.  Do the math, what will it be 20 years from now?
7.  Delaying receiving Social Security Benefits only makes sense if you have enough ordinary income to result in having your benefits suspended.
8.  We have to become more respectful of our elected representatives. We don't have to like them but we must show them respect.
Make mine a double.
Jim Spicka, reverse mortgages Idaho.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The oddness of the harley davidson "culture"

I have difficulty understanding the logic, if you will, of  Harley Davidson motorcycle enthusiast's behavior.  They most generally claim to be Vietnam War or Gulf War veterans yet they desecrate the American Flag for "dew-rags" and they seem to be oblivious to the mismatch of the horrendous noise and confusion of battle and the noise and confusion they surround themselves with when riding their "hogs".  They claim to have "fought for our freedom" yet they trample the rights and freedoms of the majority of citizens who find the noise they make intolerable.  They don't seem to appreciate the rights of ordinary citizens to 'quiet enjoyment" of their property and communities.
How can this be explained?

Monday, July 28, 2014

How to tell if you are conflicted by your political philosophies

 We have to start somewhere to launch this jocular escapade and what better place to start than with the self appointed "canaries in the proverbial coal mine" who wish to believe that everyone is hanging on their every word of warning and solid advice to keep us on track to a better world...... or...a more pleasant time in the distant past. 
Are your beliefs in conflict?  
Are you of the Baby Boomer Generation?
Do you have children?

Do your children share your political views?
Do you long for an earlier time when life was simpler, less complicated?
Can you identify when that time was?
Do you sincerely believe that the world would fall into total disarray if America isn't the world's watchdog and policeman?
Are you deeply suspicious of anyone and everyone who has a different skin color than your own?
Do you like Indian Food?
Can you speak a foreign language?
Do you only buy America made products?
Do you shop at Walmart?
Do you want to eradicate all the Muslims?
Do you support the Jewish State of Israel?
Are you a good speller?
Do you have a passport?
Have you ever travelled outside of the boundries of the United States of America?
Can you point to "God's Country" on a map?
Do you believe George W. Bush was a good President?
Do you think Dick Cheney is a great man and a credible spokesman for America's best way forward?
Do you plan to subscribe to Sarah Palin's television channel?
Can you name the last 25 military deployments by American armed forces abroad to protect America's interests?
Who won the Vietnam War?
Was J. Edgar Hoover a cross-dressing homosexual?
Do you remember when the Republican Party was associated with the color designation "BLUE" and the Democrat Party was associated with the color RED?
Do you plan to draw Social Security Benefits and Medicare?
Do you plan to utilize Medicare in retirement?
Do you hate Obamacare?

Do you know the difference between Health Care and Health Insurance?
Do you believe that the U.S. has the best healthcare in the world?
Do you get your news from t.v. or do you prefer to get it from written mainstream news and research sources?
Who do you think should be the next President of the United States?
When is the last time you went to church?
Do you like the idea of "Big Business"?
Would pollution be reduced by repealing anti-pollution legislation?

Do you tend to speak in absolutes even if it makes you sound mentally unstable?
Which of these two statements do you think is most accurate?: Those who DON'T KNOW history are bound to repeat it.   OR, Those who KNOW HISTORY are bound to repeat it.  
Do you think the unemployment rate will ever be lower than it is today?
Do you sense a shift of GLOBAL power away from the U.S.?
Do you think the Stock Market accurately reflects the health of the economy?
Do you believe health insurance and health care are the same thing?
Do you know what the Boston Tea Party was all about?
Are you hoarding anything?
Do you grasp the realities of the 21st century?

More to come.

A forum to fret and worry about everything that shoudln't really matter...

Brace yourself......this is the beginning of a brush with reality that goes beyond the news cycle, the Fox news cycle in particular and the frantic, alarmist voices that stampede us from one corner of our pens to another.
I think it's about get ready for some thinking, and opportunity to evolve, involve and invest yourselves in discussion that might actually touch upon pragmatism, logic, and the realities of the 21st century.
Jim Spicka.

A couple of questions and a few facts to keep in mind as we stumble along glibly and arrogantly:

Will the unemployment rate ever be lower than it is today?
Whites are having less children and as a result we have a swiftly aging white population in the U.S.
Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Middle easterners are seeing increasing births and a much younger average age and swiftly increasing numbers.
Today's Millennials are more adapted to public transportation and urban living and generally eschew the nuclear family and suburban lifestyles.

How should we address these challenges?   Invade somebody? Kill all the "foreigners",  Demand better paying jobs? Change the formula for calculating growth and unemployment?  Re-elect the same people that led us into this "box canyon" in the first place?  
You tell me.